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Sữa đậu nành Vinasoy nguyên chất

“Science has demonstrated the wondrous properties of isoflavones derived from soy beans to prevent oxidization, reverse the signs of aging and allow for optimal female health and radiant skin. In this way, isoflavones are a special friend to women in the war against aging and the struggle to maintain health and beauty.”

Dr. Do Thi Ngoc Diep

Director, Ho Chi Minh City Institute of Nutrition


Vinasoy soymilk with optimal retention of isoflavones and natural proteins:

Vinasoy soymilk, with the optimal retention of isoflavones and natural proteins, aids in estrogen balance and anti-oxidant process.
Isoflavones and soy proteins, found in natural soy beans, are the two nutrients contributing greatly to the enhancement of health and beauty. Isoflavones function similar to estrogen, which protect collagen and prevent skin aging, making female skin nourished and radiant. Soy proteins, in addition, reduce cholesterol and prevent obesity, maintaining an attractive figure. However, without the aid of a processing systems prioritizing the retention of isoflavones and natural soy proteins, these benefits, especially isoflavones, can be lost in production. In reality, the process of extracting soy proteins can bring about the loss of 53% of isoflavones. Because of this, soymilk, which is not produced from pure soy beans but supplemented with an extracted protein base, can be low in isoflavones, resulting in a much-less-nutritious product for consumers.
Vinasoy soymilk is the refined result of four years of careful research that prioritizes the optimal retention of isoflavones and natural proteins. Vinasoy soymilk is produced from 100% pure soybeans, guaranteeing the best ratio of isoflavones and proteins without the needs for external supplementation (isoflavones 11.72mg/100ml, protein 3.2g/100ml).
Vinasoy soymilk ensures the optimal retention of nutrients including proteins and isoflavones with benefits such as:

•         Reducing the visible signs of aging
•         Supporting the maintenance of an attractive figure
•         Nourishing healthy and radiant skin

Nutritional ingredients/100ml                           
Energy 50,3Kcal
Carbohydrate 6,0g
Protein 3,2g
Fat 1,5g
Mineral 400mg
Isoflavones 12mg
Cholesterol 0,0mg

Vinasoy - Healthy body, fresh skin!